Chili Beans

Elkészítési idő: 40 perc

Adagok száma: 2


  • 50 dkg of minced pork and beef
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • pepper
  • 1 box of canned corn
  • 1 box of canned red beans
  • 1 tsp paprika cream
  • 1 teaspoon homemade seasoning (this includes various spices: pepper, oregano, parsley, etc.)
  • 3 dl homemade tomato juice
  • 1 chili pepper



1.) In a pan, fry the chopped onions in the cooking oil. Add the meat, fry until becomes white, and continuously stir it.

2.) Add the spices. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, paprika cream, homemade seasoning, and hot peppers.

3.) When the meat seems to be ready, sprinkle with red pepper, add the canned beans and corn (without the juice).

4.) After a little stirring, add the tomato juice just to cover the food.

5.) Cook for 10 minutes and serve it.

Tápanyagtartalom (1 adag)
Energia (kcal) 1083
Fehérje (g) 93
Zsír (g) 26
- Telített (g) 6
- Telítettlen (g) 10
- Töbszörössen telíttelen (g) 7
Szénhidrát (g) 103
- Lassú felszívódású (g) 74
- Gyors felszívódású (g) 29
- Cukor (g) 11
Glikémiás index 149
Rost (g) 25
Gluténmentes Nem
Laktózmentes Nem