Zucchini Pudding

Porción: 4


  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tablespoons oatmeal flour
  • Salt to taste
  • Coconut oil for frying as needed
  • Garlic sour cream to taste



1.) Lean the zucchini and take out the seeds with the sponge part.

2.) Grate it on the big holes.

3.) Add the onion, garlic.

4.) Season and add the eggs and then the flour.

5.) Mix it together by hand, if necessary add more flour.

6.) Heat the coconut oil and sweep it into the pan using a spoon.

7.) Bake both sides in a few minutes until becoming golden brown.

8.) Serve with garlic sour cream.

Datos de nutrientes (100 g)
Energía (kcal) 159
Proteína (g) 5
Grasa (g) 10
- Saturado (g) 6
- Insaturado (g) 1
- Múltiple instaurado (g) 1
Carbohidrato (g) 10
- Cabrohidratos de liberación lenta (g) 10
- Cabrohidratos de liberación rápida (g) 0
- Azúcar (g) 2
Índice glucémico 19
Fibra (g) 1
Sin gluten No
Sin lactosa No