Pumpkin Cream Soup


  • ½ pumpkin
  • 2 litres of water
  • 5 dkg of fat
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable seasoning
  • Lentils
  • 1 onion



1.) Cut the onion and fry it on fit. (Goose fat is best for this.)

2.) When the onion is steamed to a glass, add the diced pumpkin.

3.) Add the seasonings.

4.) Cover and simmer it. Stir it occasionally, until the pumpkin becomes soft.

5.) When the pumpkin has completely softened, the soup is ready.

6.) Let it cool a little bit.

7.) Mix with a stick mixer.

Datos de nutrientes (100 g)
Energía (kcal) 39
Proteína (g) 1
Grasa (g) 2
- Saturado (g) 2
- Insaturado (g) 0
- Múltiple instaurado (g) 0
Carbohidrato (g) 4
- Cabrohidratos de liberación lenta (g) 4
- Cabrohidratos de liberación rápida (g) 0
- Azúcar (g) 1
Índice glucémico 10
Fibra (g) 1
Sin gluten
Sin lactosa