Fried Chicken With Pear and Ginger

Porción: 2


  • 300 g of skin-boned chicken breast
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • 2 rosemary branches
  • Ground rosemary
  • 1 larger piece of carrot
  • 1 larger (harder) pear
  • 1 small piece of whole ginger
  • Olive oil​
  • Side-dish:
    • 1 bag of brown rice
    • Salt
    • A pinch of ground cardamom



1.) Took a larger piece of whole chicken breast and cut in half and us only one half to make about three servings of it.

2.) Rub this with salt and pepper.

3.) Peel the carrots and circle them. Also, peel the ginger and dice it. Finely dice the pear too.

4.) Put them all in a baking bag and sprinkle with the salt, ground rosemary and shake the bag thoroughly.

5.) Put the seasoned meat in the bag and sprinkle it with olive oil.

6.) Then bake it in an oven preheated to 200 C for approx. 30 minutes. In the end, open the bag so that the top of the chicken would also blush.

7.)Cook the brown rice now. It takes a long time to cook, so it’s worth starting cooking before you fry the chicken. Cooked it in salted water and then mixed the drained hot rice with a little ground cardamom.

Datos de nutrientes (1 porción)
Energía (kcal) 498
Proteína (g) 42
Grasa (g) 15
- Saturado (g) 3
- Insaturado (g) 11
- Múltiple instaurado (g) 3
Carbohidrato (g) 47
- Cabrohidratos de liberación lenta (g) 20
- Cabrohidratos de liberación rápida (g) 27
- Azúcar (g) 12
Índice glucémico 115
Fibra (g) 7
Sin gluten
Sin lactosa