Beef Stew In Red Wine

Elkészítési idő: 90 perc

Adagok száma: 4


  • 1 kg of beef
  • 10-15 dkg of smoked bacon
  • 2 onions
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 teaspoon homemade red peppers
  • 3 green peppers
  • 3 tomatoes
  • Cumin seeds
  • Salt
  • 2-3 dl of red wine



1.) In a bowl, melt the fat of the chopped smoked bacon and set aside the stew.

2.) Add the cleaned, finely chopped onion to the remaining fat.

3.) Fry for a few minutes and continuously stir it.

4.) Remove from the heat and stir in the cut meat of a size of 3 cm (the membranes are removed during cutting), then fry and stir until a crust forms on the meat.

5.) Add the red pepper, cumin seeds, and salt. Immediately pour a few tablespoons of water on top, then add the washed, sliced green peppers and the crushed garlic.

6.) If the juice boils and evaporates, replace it with a little hot water.

7.) Before it is done, add the washed, peeled, and sliced tomatoes and red wine, then we steam it ready.

8.) Serve it with dumplings.

Tápanyagtartalom (1 adag)
Energia (kcal) 554
Fehérje (g) 62
Zsír (g) 25
- Telített (g) 9
- Telítettlen (g)
- Töbszörössen telíttelen (g)
Szénhidrát (g) 9
- Lassú felszívódású (g) 9
- Gyors felszívódású (g) 0
- Cukor (g) 3
Glikémiás index 26
Rost (g) 3
Gluténmentes Igen
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