Gluten free pizza

Hora: 90 minutos


  • 320 g of gluten-free bread flour mixture
  • 5 g of fructose
  • 7 g instant, gluten-free powder yeast
  • 280 g of lukewarm water
  • 25 olive oil
  • Salt
  • 80 g Sugar-free ketchup
  • Oregano, Basil
  • Coconut fat
  • Toppings to taste: gluten-free ham and salami, tomatoes, red onions, hot peppers
  • About 320 g of grated cheese



1.) Mix the flour, sugar, yeast, olive oil, and a teaspoon of salt and then add the water and knead it all out to form a larger dough.

2.) Cover the pan with a kitchen towel and place in a 50oC oven with air stirring baking mode for 45 minutes to rise it. It should double in that amount of time.

3.) Meanwhile, mix the ketchup with the green spices, grate the cheese, and cut the toppings together.

4.) Once the dough has risen, take it out of the oven, and preheat the oven to 160oC, in a bottom-top baking mode.

5.) Stretch the dough to the desired thickness and then place it on a baking sheet greased with coconut fat.

6.) Add the spicy ketchup. Put the toppings and the grated cheese on the dough.

7.) Bake it for about 25-30 minutes.

Datos de nutrientes (100 g)
Energía (kcal) 214
Proteína (g) 8
Grasa (g) 9
- Saturado (g) 4
- Insaturado (g)
- Múltiple instaurado (g)
Carbohidrato (g) 23
- Cabrohidratos de liberación lenta (g) 2
- Cabrohidratos de liberación rápida (g) 21
- Azúcar (g) 2
Índice glucémico 25
Fibra (g) 2
Sin gluten
Sin lactosa