American pancakes made of brown rice flour

Hora: 20 minutos

Porción: 1


  • 1 L-size egg (approx. 56 g)
  • 5 g erythritol (omit if you want salty pancakes)
  • 60 g brown rice flour
  • 90 g of coconut milk (if you want salty pancakes, add almond milk)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 5 g of coconut fat



1.) Separate the eggs.

2.) Beat the egg white with a pinch of salt into a hard foam.

3.) Except for the coconut fat, mix the other ingredients, the egg yolk too.

4.) Carefully mix the beaten egg white whisk into the thick pancake mass. Be careful not to crush it.

5.) Heat a pancake oven and add the coconut fat. Take back to medium temperature and add from the pancake mass using a spoon. 1 pancake approx. needs 2.5-3 tablespoons of the mass.

6.) Bake for 3-4 minutes per side.

7.) It can also be served with sugar-free, gluten-free jam, Nutella, fruit, or fried eggs and bacon.


Datos de nutrientes (100 g)
Energía (kcal) 146
Proteína (g) 6
Grasa (g) 4
- Saturado (g) 1
- Insaturado (g)
- Múltiple instaurado (g)
Carbohidrato (g) 24
- Cabrohidratos de liberación lenta (g) 1
- Cabrohidratos de liberación rápida (g) 23
- Azúcar (g) 1
Índice glucémico 15
Fibra (g) 0
Sin gluten
Sin lactosa